In this week’s subscription headlines, the New York Times is rumored to be expanding into Australia and Canada, U.K. news outlets are presumed to be robbed of traffic by Faceook and other platforms, and Jeff Jarvis questions whether banking on native advertising is just another false messiah.
Google Warns It Will Crack Down on “Intrusive Interstitials” in January
Search Engine Land
Report: The New York Times is Expanding to Australia and Canada
Nieman Lab
Native Advertising: Another False Messiah?
Jeff Jarvis on Medium
Microsoft Buys AI Startup Genee to Boost Office 365
Information Week
Fast SaaS: 7 SaaS Startups You Need to Know
Talkin Cloud
The Guardian Rolls Out Time-based Ads
Marketing Dive
Tien Tzuo’s Zuora Set to Capitalize on Subscription Economy It Helped Build
Will Tibit, Blendle or Flattr Win the ‘Micropayment War’?
Media Shift
In other news, learn more about auto-renewal laws at our free Sept. 21 webinar with Lisa Dubrow, Esq, Know the Law: Auto-Renew Subscription Offers and Plans. We’d love to have you join us!