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On the heels of a fresh round of financial reports, subscription companies are saturating the news headlines. In this week’s round-up, DC Entertainment is opening its streaming subscription for pre-orders on Google Play, YouTube offers cash to creators to use and promote new features, Unified Payments launches a subscription-based payment processing service, and Spotify tests unlimited, skippable audio ads.
DC Entertainment’s New Streaming Subscription on Google Play Ahead of Schedule
5 Reasons Microsoft Won’t Turn Windows 10 into a Subscription Service
The Motley Fool
Apple Held Secret Meeting with Developers Last Year to Push App Subscriptions
Apple Insider
Unified Payments Unveils Subscription-Based Payment Processing Services
YouTube to Offer Cash to Top Creators to Use and Promote New Features
To Reach Profitability, Conde Nast to Reduce Ad Revenue 50%, Focus on Video
Media Post
New York Magazine Owner Explores Possible Sale
The Wall Street Journal
Spotify Tests Unlimited Skippable Audio Ads
Mobile Marketer