Subscription news stories about wining, dining and bundling made the headlines this week. Obvious Wines is offering a lifetime subscription for $6,000; meal kit subscription services hit a high during COVID, but they face an uncertain future; and Sweetgreen is offering a new salad subscription. Also, TikTok got more traffic than Google last year (what?), Apple ditched Intel, and Fox News was cable’s overall #1 network in 2021 for the sixth straight year.
Obvious Wines Is Offering a Lifetime Subscription for $6,000
TikTok Got More Traffic Than Google in 2021
Amazon Slips to 4th in Global Shopping App Installs with Rise in International Competition
Meal Kit Subscription Services Face Uncertain Future
Fox News Was Cable’s Overall #1 Network in 2021 for 6th Straight Year
The Wrap
Curiosity Stream Debuts ‘Smart Bundle’ with Five Other SVODs
Fierce Video
Apple Ditched Intel and It Paid Off
Sweetgreen Has a New Salad Subscription Service to Sell You