While subscription and SaaS companies are reporting their second quarter financials, policies and principles are also in the subscription news this week. The Guardian updated its editorial code, Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to create a new agency to provide oversight of big tech firms, and news publishers develop global principles for bargaining with big tech. Also, Wired says social media has run out of fresh ideas, and billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong is negotiating a possible sale of the Los Angeles Times.
Google Says 2B Logged In Monthly Users Are Watching YouTube Shorts
The Guardian’s Editorial Code Has Been Updated
The Guardian
Sen. Elizabeth Warren Wants to Build a New Agency to Police Big Tech
The Verge
News Publishers Declare Global Principles for Bargaining with Big Tech
Counter-Coalition Formed to Fight Local Broadcasters Over Distribution Rules
YouTube’s First Season of NFL Sunday Ticket Will Be Free for Some Verizon Customers
Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong Holds Talks to Sell LA times to Entertainment Trade Mogul Jay Penske
The Intersect