Behavioral targeting (aka behavioral advertising) can be a great way to sell subscriptions or increase member engagement. But if you’re using behavioral advertising, then you’re required to follow the self-regulatory principles agreed upon by a consortium of marketers associations.These guidelines are meant to help online businesses using behavioral targeting to regulate themselves so that the government doesn’t have to. By avoiding government regulation, online businesses are able to evolve and innovate more quickly in their delivery and marketing systems, so it behooves us all to follow the two most critical practices:

1. Make sure all your behaviorally-targeted ads carry the AdChoices icon. This icon (left) links to a form that lets consumers know why they’re being served that ad and how they can opt-out.2. In order to serve the ads, you’ll be collecting information about visitors, primarily through cookies, and you need to let your site visitors know about your advertising practices. This is best done through a text link in the footer of all your pages, much like The New York Times does below.

Fortunately, these practices do not seem to have thwarted the use of behavioral advertising. On the contrary, transparency has made consumers more comfortable with the practice, according to Genie Barton, VP and Director of the Online Interest-Based Advertising Accountability Program of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, who spoke to Insider members this week. Her full presentation on Behavioral Targeting Regulations is now available On-Demand to Insider members, so join today to learn how you can easily adhere to all the guidelines associated with this effective method of selling online subscriptions and increasing member engagement.