While we usually don’t cover advertising, it’s clearly a revenue stream for a significant portion of subscription publications (just check out the chart below from our newly released Online Subscription Benchmark Report).
That’s why we thought many paid content executives would be keen to know that The New York Times has released its ad tool Ricochet for use by other publishers (Forbes and The New Yorker have already signed on), and the tool could help raise ad revenues for many sites.
Ricochet allows advertisers to create a unique URL that “sticks” their ad alongside a story. The advertiser can then distribute the story through its own website or through social media, and each re-tweet or re-post gets more eyeballs on the same ad.
The tool is also advantageous to publishers as it allows them to make money from content that’s not necessarily viral, but gets repeat views over a long period of time. It’s a great way to monetize archive favorites.