How Unlimited User Registration Can Increase Site License Retention and Revenues

Many digital publishers and subscription sites sell group subscriptions and site licenses based on the number of seats or users, which makes sense. But

Many digital publishers and subscription sites sell group subscriptions and site licenses based on the number of seats or users, which makes sense. But TV Sports Markets found a great retention and upsell tactic by choosing not to limit user registration based on the number of seats sold.Confusing? Let’s walk you through their sales methodology.First, TV Sports Markets is a PDF publication covering the broadcast rights market for worldwide sporting events — and it’s available only by email.Secondly, subscriptions are sold only on a group basis, the smallest one being for one user.While that may seem counter-intuitive (isn’t it an individual subscription, then?), TV Sports Market makes every subscription a group subscription by allowing an unlimited number of users to sign up for a company’s account through their Web form. That means that even a one-seat subscription could have three users — or 36.By opening up user registration, TV Sports Markets lets as many company employees gain access to their publication who want it. Then, when it’s time for renewal, they re-negotiate the group subscription price based on the number of registered users, not the original seat number.It’s an ingenious idea, especially for email newsletters, which are often forwarded on to other co-workers (TV Sports Markets also uses tracking software to record when and how their PDFs are forwarded and opened by non-registered users). And while TV Sports Markets is using it exclusively for PDF newsletters, we think subscription sites with site license models would be wise to consider this strategy (if it fits their business model).You can read more about TV Sports Markets’ group subscription sales and tiered pricing system in this week’s members-only Case Study on Subscription Site Insider.

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