Case Study Lessons: Markets its Business Model to Get Subscribers

Most paid content and subscription site owners instinctively withhold information about their revenues and profit distribution. While that’s understandable, some paid content sites are

Most paid content and subscription site owners instinctively withhold information about their revenues and profit distribution. While that’s understandable, some paid content sites are finding success by marketing their business model along with their content.Take for example, the subject of this week’s Case Study on our sister site Subscription Site Insider. Jumping on the emerging trend of original, Internet television, the site is committed to promoting quality, independent television. To do so, the site — which calls itself a network — curates original content and makes it available only through subscription; there’s no advertising and only the first episode of any series is free to then splits it revenues from subscription 50/50 with the content creators. And this makes great marketing copy, because prospective subscribers are made aware of the fact that the shows, most of which are not available elsewhere, cannot exist without subscriber support.Of course, there’s a fine line between marketing copy and your mission statement. is proud of the fact that it has no commercials, especially since the ad-supported model does not really help independent television producers make back their investment, nevermind a profit. But this is inside baseball. Marketing “no ads” is not as big a selling point to potential subscribers as “Exclusively available on!”So what’s the takeaway? Your business model can inspire people fanatic about your industry, but, as always, make sure your marketing copy is talking about benefits not features!Read more about, including how the site converts 80% of trial sign-ups into paying subscribers!

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