Netflix Dominates Subscription Video On-Demand Niche

Despite the fanfare concerning the recent $1 billion bids for Hulu, Netflix still dominates the subscription video on-demand niche. According to a recent report

Despite the fanfare concerning the recent $1 billion bids for Hulu, Netflix still dominates the subscription video on-demand niche.According to a recent report by The NDP Group, Netflix accounts for 90% of all streaming video online during Q1 of 2013.Within video streaming, television viewing accounted for 80% of streaming activity by consumers. Within that 80%, Netflix accounts for 89% of streaming activity, while Hulu commands just 10% of market share for television streaming and Amazon Prime just 2%.And the demand for television on-demand video seems to be growing, with the number of viewers streaming television shows growing by 34% between Q1 of 2012 and 2013.In addition, Internet-based video on-demand accounts for 16% of all paid video on-demand movie orders in the US. (Cable companies still dominate video on-demand movie orders, accounting for more than 50% of the market share.)

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