So here’s the perfect example of why you should never blindly follow “industry leaders.”Google recently sent a renewal notice to someone on our staff for one of their subscription apps, and it’s riddled with worst practices.For example, it has a sensible link (“subscription management page”) and then a nonsensical button (“Manage domain” – what does that even mean?). Granted the design is nice and clean, but that’s not going to do anything to improve renewal rates, especially given the very automated and unfriendly tone. (Click on the image below to enlarge and read our full critique.)

The fact that publishers have to deal with Google’s and Apple’s incompetence in retention marketing is a major reason you should look to sell your apps through your Website, not just their stores.As our Subscription Retention Handbook states, renewal notices are critical in improving retention rates and minimizing chargebacks. Check out the Insider Member resources below for better examples of effective renewal emails.